The Orthodontic Specialist is a Doctor who, following the achievement of the Degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics (in the period prior to the birth of this faculty, in Medicine and Surgery), had access to a School of Specialization in Orthodontics, dedicating further three years of study in the treatment of malocclusions; he thus had the opportunity to deepen all the problems related to Orthodontics, through courses, seminars, scientific research and therapies on patients.
After having passed all the exams at the end of each year and after having prepared a thesis Specialist obtained the title of "Specialist in Orthodontics". It is therefore the only professional adequately prepared to make a correct diagnosis and to successfully carry out a orthodontic treatment.
In Italy any dentist is authorized by law to perform orthodontic treatments, even if has not completed a specific training course.
A.S.I.O is the Association of Italian Orthodontic Specialists. To have more valuable information We invite you to visit the websites: e